Wednesday, January 20, 2010

a change of plans...but not of heart

Holy cats I have been sucked in to the beautiful world of decorating blogs. I have spent numerous hours the past couple of days oogling the gorgeous things and creative genius of the ladies found here and here. Talk about inspiring! These ladies have beautiful homes to boot not to mention the creativity and talent I am totally lusting over. They have inspired me to do a little dabbling of my own this weekend. I am by no stretch of the imagination a creative person but I do have a few ideas and a excited to see if I can make them happen. On a related note, does anyone have any good candle recommendations? My favorite is the Macintosh scented Yankee Candle but I am just about to burn through my big jar and am in the market for some new scents. Let me know what your favorites are!

There are a few potential changes on the running front. Like I mentioned earlier, I have been training for the Cowtown Marathon with a Hal Higdon program designed for an eight week break between marathons. I actually had a ten week break between my runs so I was able to take two weeks super easy before officially training again.

This past weekend was my first long run which was supposed to be a 12 miler. I headed back out to White Rock for the first time since the marathon. It was beautiful outside, sunny and warm in the low 60s. My legs felt pretty tired the first few miles but I chalked that up to the fact that it was my fourth day in a row of running. I passed the 6 mile mark and was still feeling off. I was running at my quicker pace (8:45/mile) which usually feels comfortable but it was hard and I was tired. I just couldn't get my head in the run. I walked for a bit to rest my legs and the thought crossed my mind that I really wasn't having much fun.

Enter serious doubts.

The whole purpose of running Cowtown so close to White Rock is to run faster and be happy with my time. I'm a little afraid that my body is still tired and not ready for another 26.2. More importantly, I'm afraid my head isn't ready either. When I was out there on Sunday, in beautiful weather at my favorite spot, I just couldn't stop thinking that I wanted the run to be over and that I can't imagine doing 2 and 3 hour runs every weekend for the next 6 weeks. Running is supposed to be fun for me and last weekend was most definitely not.

Part of me thinks this was just a bad run but a slightly bigger part thinks I should listen to my body and my brain telling me I'm not ready. I was slightly disappointed after White Rock but I feel like that would be nothing compared to suffering through another training program and putting in the physical and emotional effort of another marathon and not showing any improvement.

My husband is running the Cowtown half which will be his first and so my option is to downsize and do that with him. There is also a Rock-N-Roll half in Dallas in March which I had thought about registering for and attempting to run in under 2 hours (my current half PR is 2:08). I love the distance of the half so those could be fun without being as mentally taxing as doing another full. But at the same time, I sort of feel like a quitter for copping out on the full. Ugh, isn't this supposed to be fun?

Do you have any similar experiences about setting out to do one distance and then changing your mind? What made the decision for you? Were you happy with the change? Let me know what you think...I'll take all the advice I can get!


Emily said...

Hey just got your comment on my post. I haven't seen your blog yet, so will have to read up! I've been ignoring blogging for the most part for the past few months anyway. Need to get back into it to track my workouts. Take care and good luck with the motivation.

Jen said...

I would say it's important to listen to your body. If the marathon isn't for a few weeks, do you have to decide now? Nothing sucks more than a long run that isn't fun, BUT that doesn't necessarily mean that you aren't ready.

Hope you find that groove!