Sunday, October 18, 2009

All kinds of productive

Today was my first post shin splint long run and I am tentatively declaring it a victory. I did ten miles at the lake today and it was fantastic. The weather was a gorgeous 60ish degrees, sunny, and clear at noon today when I started. I absolutely love fall in Texas because it is usually perfectly sunny and cool without having to wake up at the crack of dawn. I downloaded some new music in anticipation last night and all of those things combined for one fabulous run. I felt great throughout all ten miles and didn't feel a twinge through my compression sleeve. I also managed to stay strong without any Gus which was nice; not a huge fan of them. I averaged somewhere between a nine and ten minute mile and felt like I could have kept going if I needed to. This part made me especially happy because I was worried that I would lose a lot of endurance with the injury time off. And a huge shout-out to the John who also ran nine miles today...the longest distance of his life. The best part is he did it unintentionally and still managed to rock it. Way to go Boogs!

After the run we hit the grocery store, cleaned the heck out of the apartment, made crock pot soup for dinner tonight and lunches this week, and am on load #4 of laundry. Not bad for waking up at 10:30.

My shin still feels pretty good, no noticable soreness or tenderness. I have an easy four mile recovery run scheduled for tomorrow so I am hoping that my leg still feels strong then. I feel like that will be the big test as the infamous crying in the Tom Thumb parking lot episode was a "recovery" run. Keep your fingers crossed for tomorrow!

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